Finding freedom & joy in endometriosis & adenomyosis 

Now you get to be heard & understood. Now you get to shed some of the pressure of researching the best way forward. Now we help you heal the wounds of the journey so far and feel hopeful for the future & confident in yourself. 
  • Switch flare-induced panic for calm confidence in yourself 
  • Use pain science to navigate pain specifically for endometriosis & adenomyosis (no pain gaslighting)
  • Heal the wounds of dismissal & disbelief by connecting with your health journey in a safe community  
  • Press play on life & feel free to stop putting things on hold out of fear
  • No more pushing then crashing; feel clear on the balance that works for you 
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On demand resources you can rely on to meet the challenges of your diagnosis. A guide to navigate the next steps in your health journey and living with freedom and choice. Connect with a bigger picture that feels hopeful and exciting. Get comfort in the  support of peers and experts in the field. 

Sign up to get first access to Body Mind Connected: Endometriosis & Adenomyosis 

Navigating endometriosis & adenomyosis is confusing, isolating & exhausting 

You have had to fight to be heard in the healthcare system. You've had to explain to others why you can't do things they expect of you. You try your best to cope with symptoms, but then feel frustrated when you've been doing everything and you still flare. It can feel so lonely to be going through so much and to feel like it's not enough for others. Everyone deals with these challenges differently. Whatever your coping looks like, it can be hard to separate yourself from your illness and from the difficulties you face in meeting your own expectations of yourself. This has a big impact on your relationship with yourself and others. 

People tend to believe that if only the symptoms were cured, these problems would go away too. The truth is, working with these problems can have a big impact on symptoms and day to day life with endometriosis and/or adenomyosis. 

What can I expect from this course & community?

Endometriosis & adenomyosis affect mental health. But you do not automatically have a mental health disorder if you are emotionally affected by your condition. Navigating symptoms is hard. Using psychology to make it easier should not be reduced down to working on  your mood alone. That may be one part of the puzzle, but often it is just one part.  

 This course uses a "biopsychosocial" approach. It aims to improve your overall illness experience through nurturing the mind-body connection and working with the realities of your wider life (work, health appointments, friendships and relationships). We can use psychology to look after our bodies & help them heal.

There is a lot to heal from in endometriosis & adenomyosis: medical gaslighting, surgery, diagnostic procedures and medical interventions that have disrupted your equilibrium. Healing is a holistic concept and it needs a holistic approach.

When you are told there is nothing else that needs to be done when you are in agony and unable to function, you can start to question yourself. "
Am I just anxious?" Or you can get angry. "No one understands!" Both maybe. 

If you are referred to therapy you may feel fundamentally misunderstood and fobbed off - this is not a mental health issue!  You are physically suffering. If you are referred to therapy and the therapist has little understanding of your condition or training in using evidence-based psychological approaches for long term conditions, they may add to your questioning and feeling unheard. Even when they have the best of intentions. 

As a health psychologist with over a decade of experience helping people with health conditions to improve symptoms, mood, confidence and everyday life, I know how important it is to have a truly holistic approach tailored to your specific health difficulties. 

I know what makes something feel hopeful, empowering and achievable rather than overwhelming and minimising. I know what techniques and approaches are really evidence-based and what are fads and pseudoscience. I've done all of the research so you don't have to.

This course is about taking the pressure off you. It's about truly taking stock of what you have been dealing with and acknowledging yourself. It allows you to develop a range of skills and strategies that you would never otherwise be taught or get access to. These skills are based on mind-body science and 1000s of peer-reviewed publications. They are not fancy or complicated but they can be completely counterintuitive. They can be scary when you try them out. That is why you need to be able to trust that you're getting the right guidance. That is why you need an opportunity to ask questions and get feedback. 

This is what Body Mind Connected: Endometriosis & Adenomyosis will provide. You have enough adding to your decision fatigue. In this course, you can be guided in the science, encouraged to try things out, reflect, get feedback and then move forwards from there. You can go at your own pace and you can connect with others who are doing the same thing. 
"Sula was the first therapist who worked through my problems in a visual manner, she helped me understand the causes of some of my issues and gave me the confidence to explore and rethink the way my body reacted in certain situations, all whilst reassuring me and providing a supportive and caring environment...Honestly, I have been in and out of therapy in my teens and learnt more about myself in a few months than I’d ever done in years of therapy. It was a really positive, enriching experience and I will keep continuing working on what I learned"
1:1 client with endometriosis 
"It takes time, there are no quick fixes. It's best to focus on making small changes over time and not try to rush. It can feel very hard at times but Sula is there to guide you. You will need to be vulnerable and it requires to work on yourself and face some of your beliefs and assumptions that might be painful. However, it's amazing how small changes can make a big impact."
1:1 client with bowel issues 

Meet the psychologist

Dr Sula Windgassen, PhD, CPsychol, PG Dip, MSc, BSc

Health Psychologist & Psychotherapist
Dr Sula is Director of private clinical health psychology practice, Mind Body Blossom. She has 5 degrees including a PhD in Psychological Medicine. After working in academia in the Health Psychology Department at the prestigious King's College Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience and training as a psychotherapist, Sula worked in the NHS leading the long term conditions pathway. This integrated psychology with physical health care.
Dr Sula has over 20 peer reviewed publications and continues to contribute to the research, currently working on a number of projects developing women's health psychology initiatives. Driven by a her own experiences of physical health issues, Dr Sula is regularly featured in the media, on podcasts and panels. She has been shortlisted as a finalist for Myoovie's Woman of the Year and is a medical ambassador for The Endometriosis Foundation. 



User Research and Design Thinking

In this chapter, we'll explore the importance of user research in creating effective user experiences. You'll learn how to conduct user research and use the insights you gather to inform your design decisions.


Visual Design and Interaction Design

In this chapter, we'll delve into the world of visual design and interaction design. We'll cover topics such as color theory, typography, and layout, as well as best practices for designing user interfaces that are easy to use and navigate.


Usability Testing and Iterative Design

In our final chapter, we'll explore the importance of usability testing and iterative design. You'll learn how to test your designs with real users and use their feedback to improve the user experience. 
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