Body. Working with biology
Mind. Using psychology & neuroscience
Connect. Supported by community
Reclaim your life from chronic stress, illness & trauma. Reconnect body and mind. Gain control. Maintain equilibrium.

Imagine if you knew it would get better
When you are impacted by debilitating & disruptive symptoms and all of the life stressors that come with that, it can feel impossible to have confidence that things will get better. In fact everything feels uncertain and threatening and with that your nervous system doubles down on protecting you, only adding to difficult symptom experiences.
What would it look like if instead...
What would it look like if instead...
- You had access to 100s of potential strategies to help re-regulate and center, with clarity on how to implement them
- You felt confident to gently push your limits of what feels safe in your body, knowing this will lead to more freedom & body reconditioning
- You knew how to soothe the panic that comes with flare ups and niggling symptoms & empowered to update old nervous system patterns by mastering this ability
- You could connect with daily pleasure and stillness knowing that each time you do it feeds back into your bodily equilibrium
- Challenging fearful old patterns of thought and symptom responses felt empowering & masterful because you had the tools to track how these moments help you to reach your healing & life goals
- When you did face flares, set backs and unforeseen hurdles, you had the safety of a supportive community who got it and were rooting for you to succeed
- All of this meant you could connect with your sense of self, potential and meaning each day doing the things that are important to you
And if you're thinking "this all sounds very lovely but I've been trying for a long time..."
I hear you.
When people become aware of the role of the mind-body connection in chronic illness and persistent health issues they can easily get overwhelmed and fearful. "If my mind can help my body, every time I have a bad thought or feel stressed, does this mean I'm harming my body?" The prospect is even more terrifying than before. It can lead to a lot of rabbit holes trying to research rigorous protocols to "do the right thing" when stressed. And because this is impossible, it can also lead to a lot of avoidance and rebellion. Caving into habits that you know don't serve you but the alternative is too taxing and exhausting. You might be familiar with this if you relate to any of the below:
You feel pressured to meditate while finding the prospect excruciating
You criticise yourself for the negative thoughts that you have and then feel stressed by how that criticism makes you feel
You try and avoid stress and with that end up missing out on a lot of pleasures
You try and prove to yourself that you can do things but end up pushing a little too hard and getting ill or having flare ups
You know you have potential that feels locked away by symptoms but get lost in mind spirals about how to overcome this leaving you stuck in the same position
You follow (or have followed) numerous healthy protocols to the t but end up frustrated or disenchanted because they don't seem to be shifting symptoms or stress about symptoms
You know the mind-body connection counts...
But you're trying to figure out how best to work with it. Right now it is hard to keep up all of the health-focussed plans. It feels piecemeal and even more uncertain. You question whether your life has to be really restrictive forever more to avoid flare ups. You know certain things are important but it's starting to burn you out trying to figure out a plan and keep up with everything. Every time you get symptoms or feel stressed you feel like you're back to square one. If only you had some clarity on what you need to implement & didn't feel so alone to make it work, you feel like you could get some momentum.
Avoiding lots of things
Maybe you're reflecting on how life feels smaller not just because of health issues but your lengths to try and improve them.
Trying to micromanage stress
In understanding that stress and mental health impacts your physical health, you may have found yourself even more stressed about stress.

Practicing yoga / breath work
You're doing lots of good stuff to nurture your body but it feels like there's a missing piece of the puzzle; it's not enough to interrupt symptom-stress cycles.
Recognising impact of the past
The journey of chronic illness is fraught with highly distressing experiences: fall outs, loss, life changes. You're seeing how this impacts your sense of self now & has eroded your confidence
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The solution to these problems
To know how you get to where you are going, you need to first figure out what is keeping you stuck. More importantly, you need to know how these things relate to each other so that you can interrupt vicious symptom cycles.
Having this guidance, without having to research every component and double check your sources to make sure you've got it right, frees you up. You go from stuck at the analysis and deliberation phase, to moving through the action phase. What's more, you are clear on your markers of progress that don't rely on more symptom focussing.
Body Mind Connect contains everything you need to have a holistic understanding of what is going on & action plan to make personalised changes. Unlike other gimmick "nervous system transformation" programmes , Body Mind Connect is realistic about the time this takes. Exercises are pitched at a pace that allows regulation rather than more stress & pushing on an already over-taxed system. This is also reflected in the pricing (less than most gym memberships)
Having this guidance, without having to research every component and double check your sources to make sure you've got it right, frees you up. You go from stuck at the analysis and deliberation phase, to moving through the action phase. What's more, you are clear on your markers of progress that don't rely on more symptom focussing.
Body Mind Connect contains everything you need to have a holistic understanding of what is going on & action plan to make personalised changes. Unlike other gimmick "nervous system transformation" programmes , Body Mind Connect is realistic about the time this takes. Exercises are pitched at a pace that allows regulation rather than more stress & pushing on an already over-taxed system. This is also reflected in the pricing (less than most gym memberships)
I use BMC to find and implement ways that I can manage having difficult symptoms, and be able to reduce the fear around them and live a more meaningful and balanced life. I feel like I am definitely being more compassionate to myself and reducing my nervous system going crazy.
BMC user
Gut issues & ongoing pain
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Flexible guided programme
Feel empowered in your own body & able to respond to physical symptoms
Stop feeling so pressured by thoughts, expectations and judgements
Do the things that bring joy, replenishment & peace without fear
Gain a community of like-minded people committed to growth & healing
Who is Body Mind Connect for?
Chronic Pain
You may have unexplained chronic pain or pain that is part of a diagnosis like endometriosis, irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease. Body Mind Connect explains pain and ways of working with it to reduce pain severity and fear of pain.
Unexplained Symptoms
Fatigue, physical sensitivity, nausea, cramping, overactive bladder, bowel issues and pelvic discomfort are common symptoms poorly explained in the healthcare system. Body Mind Connect helps you make sense of these symptoms and more.
Burnout describes the effects of chronic stress building up and depleting you physically and mentally. To recover from burnout you need to address physiology and psychology to get mind, brain and body realigned. Body Mind Connect guides you to do this.
Self Discovery
You might not feel there are any "big problems" or issues but seek to better know yourself for personal growth. Body Mind Connect gives you a framework to explore this. Through a process of exploration and reflection you can work out who you are, what you want & how to commit to yourself.
Life Changes
There are so many stages of life we blindly navigate. Finishing school, university, the world of work, parenthood, shifting life priorities and external stressors. We do a good job, but sometimes having frameworks and feedback can help take the pressure off. You are not alone and you deserve space to process.
Feeling Lost
Loneliness, low mood, overwhelm and decision paralysis can make you feel lost and alone to figure it out. Modern day society can make it even harder to cultivate connection, particularly when already depleted. Community & connection are at the heart of Body Mind Connect to support healing & growth.
Healing & growth is an ongoing process
Body Mind Connect is designed so that you can flexibly go at your own pace throughout the programme. Rather than rush to an unclear finish line, the ethos of Body Mind Connect is "little and often". Making small little tweaks, to make a big difference to your physical and mental wellbeing. Throughout the entire programme you will have access to an active community. Your journey through Body Mind Connect may go something like this:
The intro course is free
I will warmly welcome you to the programme and introduce you to how it works, how to navigate around and how to get the most out of the programme.
Understanding the physiology behind your nervous system activity and brain processes, allows you to respond to physical and psychological experiences in a regulating, healthy way, interrupting negative symptom, thought and anxiety spirals.
When we are able to recognise what is going on in our body, we can better respond to our thoughts and feelings. Mind module helps you to work with negative thoughts, increase emotional regulation capacity and align with your core values.
Throughout the entire programme you are guided to connect these practices with your day to day life and wider relationships. The connect module will include additional information and materials for deepening and maintaining healthy relationships & connections.
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